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Info about Dewclaws

We don't believe it's in the best interest for our puppies to have the dew claws removed. If you're interested in why, here is some information:


Dogs have five toes on their front feet. Four of the toes (equivalent to our fingers) are in contact with the ground when the dog is standing. When a dog runs, however, the entire foot from the carpus to the toes

contacts the ground. If the dog then turns, it can dig the dewclaw (the equivalent of our thumb) into the ground to stabilize the leg and reduce torque on the rest of the leg. There is a great deal of misconception about front dewclaws. The fact that they are not in contact with the ground when the dog is standing still has led people to mistakenly believe that they have no function in movement. As a result, the dewclaws are removed from many purebred puppies soon after birth. Many breeders feel this gives a cleaner, straighter look to the dog’s front legs. Others believe that the dewclaws should be removed so that they will not get injured. But stop-action photographs clearly demonstrate that they are in contact with the ground whenever the dog canters or gallops. Further proof of the front dewclaws’ functionality comes from anatomical studies demonstrating that that there are several tendons that connect muscles of the lower limb to the dewclaw. Some veterinarians report a higher incidence of foot and carpus injuries and arthritis in dogs that lack dewclaws, likely because of additional torque on the leg. Thus, for working dogs it is best for the dewclaws not to be amputated. If the dewclaw does suffer a traumatic injury, the problem can be dealt with at that time, including amputation if needed.

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